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Refereed journal articles
Irving D, Takbash A, Peter J, Gammon A, Dowdy A, Dao TL, Kapoor A, Black M, Jakob D, Grose M (in prep). An intercomparison of climate model bias correction methods across Australia. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science.
Risbey J, Monselesan D, Chapman C, Chung C, Hannachi A, Irving D, Parker T, Pook M, Ramesh N, Stellema A, Tozer C (submitted). Extreme rainfall archetypes for Australia. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science.
Irving D, Risbey J, Squire D, Matear R, Tozer C, Monselesan D, Ramesh N, Reddy J, Freund M (2024). A multi-model likelihood analysis of unprecedented extreme rainfall along the east coast of Australia. Meteorological Applications. 31(3), e2217. doi:10.1002/MET.2217
Tozer C, Risbey J, Pook M, Monselesan D, Irving D, Ramesh N, Richardson D (2024). A Tale of Two Novembers: Confounding Influences on La Niña’s Relationship with Rainfall in Australia. Monthly Weather Review. 152(9), 1977-1996. doi:10.1175/MWR-D-23-0112.1
Sohail T, Irving D, Zika J, Gergory J (2023). Anthropogenic aerosols offsetting ocean warming less efficiently since the 1980s. Geophysical Research Letters. 50(23), e2023GL105374. doi:10.1029/2023GL105374
Risbey J, Irving D, Squire D, Matear R, Monselesan D, Pook M, Richardson D, Tozer C (2023). A large ensemble illustration of how record-shattering heat records can endure. Environmental Research: Climate. 2, 035003. doi:10.1088/2752-5295/acd714
Tozer C, Risbey J, Monselesan D, Pook M, Irving D, Reddy J, Ramesh N, Squire D (2023). ENSO impacts on Australia’s rainfall: what not to expect. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth System Science. 73(1), 77-81. doi:10.1071/ES22034
Sohail T, Zika J, Irving D, Church J (2022). Observed poleward freshwater transport since 1970. Nature. 602, 617–622. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04370-w
Risbey J, Squire D, Baldissera Pacchetti M, Black A, Chapman C, Dessai S, Irving D, Matear R, Monselesan D, Moore T, Richardson D, Sloyan B, Tozer C (2022). Common issues in verification of climate forecasts and projections. Climate. 10(6), 83. doi:10.3390/cli10060083
Richardson D, Black A, Irving D, Matear R, Monselesan D, Risbey J, Squire D, Tozer C (2022). Global increase in wildfire risk from compound fire weather and drought. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 5, 23. doi:10.1038/s41612-022-00248-4
Sohail T, Irving D, Zika J, Holmes R, Church J (2021). Fifty year trends in global ocean heat content traced to surface heat fluxes in the sub‐polar ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. 48(8), e2020GL091439. doi:10.1029/2020GL091439
Irving D, Hobbs W, Church J, Zika J (2021). A mass and energy conservation analysis of drift in the CMIP6 ensemble. Journal of Climate. 34(8), 3157–3170. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0281.1
Irving D, Wijffels S, Church J (2019). Anthropogenic aerosols, greenhouse gases and the uptake, transport and storage of excess heat in the climate system. Geophysical Research Letters. 46(9), 4894-4903. doi:10.1029/2019GL082015
Irving D (2019). Python for atmosphere and ocean scientists. Journal of Open Source Education. 2(11), 37. doi:10.21105/jose.00037
Devenyi G, Emonet R, Harris R, Hertweck K, Irving D, Milligan I, Wilson G (2018). Ten simple rules for collaborative lesson development. PLoS Computational Biology. 14(3), e1005963. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005963
Irving D (2016). A minimum standard for publishing computational results in the weather and climate sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 97, 1149-1158. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00010.1
Irving D, Simmonds I (2016). A new method for identifying the Pacific-South American pattern and its influence on regional climate variability. Journal of Climate. 29, 6109-6125. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0843.1
Irving D, Simmonds I (2015). A novel approach to diagnosing Southern Hemisphere planetary wave activity and its influence on regional climate variability. Journal of Climate. 28, 9041-9057. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0287.1
Grose M, Brown J, Narsey S, Brown J, Murphy B, Langlais C, Sen Gupta A, Moise F, Irving D (2014). Assessment of the CMIP5 global climate model simulations of the western tropical Pacific climate system and comparison to CMIP3. International Journal of Climatology. 34, 3382-3399. doi:10.1002/joc.3916
Irving D, Whetton P, Moise A (2012). Climate projections for Australia: a first glance at CMIP5. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 62, 211-225.
Perkins S, Irving D, Brown J, Power S, Moise A, Colman R, Smith I (2012). CMIP3 ensemble climate projections over the western tropical Pacific based on model skill. Climate Research. 51, 35-38. doi:10.3354/cr01046
Irving D, Perkins S, Brown JR, Sen Gupta A, Moise A, Murphy B, Muir L, Colman R, Power S, Delage F, Brown J (2011). Evaluating global climate models for the Pacific Island region. Climate Research. 49, 169-187. doi: 10.3354/cr01028
Irving D, Simmonds I, Keay K (2010). Mesoscale cyclone activity over the ice-free Southern Ocean: 1999-2008. Journal of Climate. 23, 5404-5420. doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3628.1
Irving D, Cook J, Young M, Menz H (2008). Impact of chronic plantar heel pain on health-related quality of life. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 98, 283-289. doi:10.7547/0980283
Irving D, Cook J, Young M, Menz H (2007). Obesity and pronated foot type may increase the risk of chronic plantar heel pain: a matched case control study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 8, 41. doi:10.1186/1471-2474-8-41
Irving D, Cook J, Menz H (2006). Factors associated with chronic plantar heel pain: a systematic review. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 9, 11-22. doi:10.1016/j.sams.2006.02.004
Preprints (not published elsewhere)
Monselesan D, Risbey J, Legresy B, Cravatte S, Pagli B, Izumo T, Chapman C, Freund M, Hannachi A, Irving D, Reddy J, Ramesh N, Richardson D, Squire D, Tozer C (2024). On the archetypal flavours and indices of ENSO. arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2406.08694
Irving D, Hertweck K, Johnston L, Ostblom J, Wickham C, Wilson G (2021). Research Software Engineering with Python. Chapman & Hall / CRC Press, ISBN: 9780367698348. [free online version]
Rischbieth J, McGree S, Murphy B, Irving D, Brown J (2011). Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research. Volume 2: Country Reports. CSIRO Publishing, ISBN: 9780643107137.
Book chapters
Brown J, Colman R, Katzfey J, Irving D, Sen Gupta A, Abbs D, Perkins S (2011). Climate model reliability. In G Cambers, K Hennessy, S Power (eds.), Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research. Volume 1: Regional Overview. pp. 97-143. CSIRO Publishing, ISBN: 9781921826733.
Hennessy K, Irving D, Perkins S, Murphy B, Brown J, Moise A, Colman R, Sen Gupta A, Church J, Tilbrook B, Zhang X (2011). Projections based on Global Climate Models. In G Cambers, K Hennessy, S Power (eds.), Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research. Volume 1: Regional Overview. pp. 145-179. CSIRO Publishing, ISBN: 9781921826733.
Irving D, Hennessy K, Katzfey J, Kokic P, Abbs D (2011). Climate projection methodology. In G Cambers, K Hennessy, S Power (eds.), Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research. Volume 1: Regional Overview. pp. 79-96. CSIRO Publishing, ISBN: 9781921826733.
Technical reports
Irving D, Macadam I (2024). Application-ready climate projections from CMIP6 using the Quantile Delta Change method. CSIRO. doi:10.25919/03by-9y62
Gammon A, Irving D, Peter J (2025). CORDEX-CMIP6-based regridded and calibrated data for Australia. NCI Australia. doi:10.25914/XECA-PW53
Dey R, Webb L, Macadam I, Irving D, Bodman R, Erwin T, Kitsios V, Heady C, Thatcher M, Hennessy K, Clarke J, Rodriguez M, Hemer M, King M (2024). Climate Innovation Hub Product 1 - Application-Ready quantile-scaled CMIP5 climate model projections for Australia. CSIRO. v3. doi:10.25919/n1es-5x31
Irving D (2016). Characterising the zonally asymmetric features of the Southern Hemisphere extratropical circulation and their influence on regional climate variability. PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
Irving D (2009). Mesoscale cyclone activity over the ice-free Southern Ocean: 1999-2008. Honours thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne (unpubl.).
Irving D (2006). Factors associated with chronic plantar heel pain: a matched case-control study. Honours thesis, La Trobe University, Melbourne (unpubl.).
Popular media
Is climate change outpacing our ability to predict extreme heatwaves? The Conversation, 20 June 2023.
Python in Climate Science. Talk Python To Me, podcast, 19 October 2017.
My digital toolbox: Climate scientist Damien Irving on Python libraries. Nature Toolbox, 30 January 2015.